Political Systems
This group considers mankind the raw material from which to construct a society. The forms of society differ, the means by which its design is arrived at differs, but what they all have in common is the notion that one/some/many men should rule the others - whether it be king, dictator or majority.
An autocracy is characterized by a supreme, uncontrolled, unlimited authority, or right of governing in a single person, as of an autocrat. It is very similar to a dictatorship.
key here is that the autocrat has absolute power. An autocrat requires a
massive amount of force (in an army for instance) to exert control over an
unwilling people.
kind autocrat is a contradiction in terms. A (rational) benevolent person recognizes
that benevolence is not something which can, by its nature, be forcibly
created. A benevolent leader would seek to undo the social engineering and
return the society toward the sovereignty of the individual. Iraq under Hussein
is a good example of dictatorship, as was Russia under Stalin.
Communism means a scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.
Communism means a scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.
means to achieve this is by collectivization of all private property. Although
meant to indicate the means of production, to be consistent communism requires
that no individual may own anything exclusively, privately.
the product of his work (thus his mind), nor any personal material benefit he
may achieve as a result of it. All material is centralized and distributed by
legislators, the intention being to achieve equal utility (of material) by all.
Freedom of expression tends also to be mediated by the state for the same
reasons and to maintain the 'integrity' of the collective
In practice communism fails dismally. The only way it can be achieved is if every single member of a communist society is in absolute agreement with the above arrangement - and that the legislators are not open to corruption in the form of personal acquisition or favor.
A political philosophy that tends to support the status quo and advocates change only in moderation. Conservatism upholds the value of tradition, and seeks to preserve all that is good about the past. Irishman Edmund Burke, in his Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), compared society to a living organism that has taken time to grow and mature, so it should not be suddenly uprooted. Innovation, when necessary should be grafted onto the strong stem of traditional institutions and ways of doing things: "it is with infinite caution that any man ought to venture upon pulling down a structure which has answered in any tolerable degree for ages the common purposes of society.” Conservatives are usually social engineers by default.
There are two major modes of democracy.
1. Government by the people; a form of
government in which the supreme power is retained and directly exercised by the
Government by popular representation; a form of government in which the supreme
power is retained by the people, but is indirectly exercised through a system
of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed; a
constitutional representative government.
The problems with democracy deserve separate discussion for instance that a majority can 'vote away' the freedom of a minority. To use an extreme example imagine that you live in a village of 100 people and 99 of them vote to take your house. Despite the 'landslide' democratic victory there is no change in the morality of the theft they vote for.
Fascism is characterized by elements of pride in the nation, anti-Marxism, and the complete rejection of parliamentary democracy, the cultivation of military virtues, strong government, and loyalty to a strong leader.
The problems with democracy deserve separate discussion for instance that a majority can 'vote away' the freedom of a minority. To use an extreme example imagine that you live in a village of 100 people and 99 of them vote to take your house. Despite the 'landslide' democratic victory there is no change in the morality of the theft they vote for.
Fascism is characterized by elements of pride in the nation, anti-Marxism, and the complete rejection of parliamentary democracy, the cultivation of military virtues, strong government, and loyalty to a strong leader.
in communism the individual is second to the society, in fascism the individual
is second to the state or race. It is not 'right wing' per-se, but is virtually
the same as national socialism (Nazism); it therefore shares much with Marxism
in its view of mankind as a collective. We all know what can happen when
sufficient people in a state are in eager support of national socialism, hence
its widespread repulsion.
The policy that aims at building and maintaining an empire, in which many states and peoples, spread over a wide geographical area, are controlled by one dominant state. Much of the twentieth century history of the Third World, for example, is of the dismantling of the legacy of nineteenth century European imperialism.
The policy that aims at building and maintaining an empire, in which many states and peoples, spread over a wide geographical area, are controlled by one dominant state. Much of the twentieth century history of the Third World, for example, is of the dismantling of the legacy of nineteenth century European imperialism.
An imperialist state can also be any other
type of collectivist, but not a type of individualist, nation. In Britain the
growth of classical liberalism can be said to have contributed to the negation
of the belief in imperialism as being 'good'.
Form of ruler ship whereby a queen or king, empress or emperor holds absolute or limited power, usually inherited. In this century most European monarchies have become constitutional or limited, such as with the British Monarchy.
Form of ruler ship whereby a queen or king, empress or emperor holds absolute or limited power, usually inherited. In this century most European monarchies have become constitutional or limited, such as with the British Monarchy.
monarchies often represent a strong symbol of national identity in (some of)
the people's minds (but exist at the expense of all). In some countries in
Africa, the Middle East, and Asia monarchs still continue to hold absolute
power. Under these conditions the state is similar to autocracy.
Government carried out by a process of bargaining and compromise between a variety of competing leadership groups (business, labor, government, etc.). Advocates of pluralism claim that it best serves the democratic ideal in a complex modern society, in which individual participation in every act of decision-making is impractical.
Government carried out by a process of bargaining and compromise between a variety of competing leadership groups (business, labor, government, etc.). Advocates of pluralism claim that it best serves the democratic ideal in a complex modern society, in which individual participation in every act of decision-making is impractical.
According to pluralism, individual rights and
interests are protected by a sort of extra-constitutional checks and balances:
No single group holds the dominant power position, power is always shifting,
and individuals can have influence on policy-making through being active in one
of these power groups. Some claim that America is such a pluralistic society;
other theories say that pluralism is in fact a myth and American society is
elitist. Despite this pluralism is not limited, other than by the common sense
of its participants. Therefore it is still, in essence, collectivist and
Government by the wealthy, or by a government primarily influenced by the wealthy. This system is as open to the social engineers as any other, and is against any principle of individual liberty. One of the criticisms of the US political system is that some wealthy people and organizations exert enormous influence over political power. This is not to be mistaken for a criticism of the free market or of wealth but as a criticism of unlimited political power.
Sharing the same collective view of mankind as communism socialism is a political system in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are mostly owned by the state, and used, at least in theory, on behalf of the people (whose 'good' is decided by the legislator).
Government by the wealthy, or by a government primarily influenced by the wealthy. This system is as open to the social engineers as any other, and is against any principle of individual liberty. One of the criticisms of the US political system is that some wealthy people and organizations exert enormous influence over political power. This is not to be mistaken for a criticism of the free market or of wealth but as a criticism of unlimited political power.
Sharing the same collective view of mankind as communism socialism is a political system in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are mostly owned by the state, and used, at least in theory, on behalf of the people (whose 'good' is decided by the legislator).
The idea behind socialism is that the
capitalist system is intrinsically unfair, because it concentrates wealth in a
few hands and does nothing to safeguard the overall welfare of the majority.
Under socialism, the state redistributes the wealth of society in a more
equitable way, according to the judgment of the legislator.
is a system of expropriation of private property (regardless of how this was
earned) in order to distribute it to various groups considered (by the
legislator) to warrant it, usually the unemployed, ill, young and old and
significantly, those with political pull.
A state or government which is run by priests or clergy. A recent example of a theocracy is Iran immediately after the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, when the Ayotollah Khomeini gained power.
A state or government which is run by priests or clergy. A recent example of a theocracy is Iran immediately after the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, when the Ayotollah Khomeini gained power.
are becoming more common as Islamic fundamentalism grows in strength, but its
influence is almost nonexistent in the West, with the exception of the USA
where the 'religious right' have some influence.
A doctrine that advocates the abolition of organized authority. Anarchists believe that all government is corrupt and evil. Anarchism was a force in nineteenth century Russia, associated with Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) and Mikhail Bakunin (1814-76). Types of anarchism range from pacifism to violent revolution. While most often anti-capitalist (and tending to more collectivist philosophies), there are pro-capitalist strains, depending on the view of private property. The major problem with anarchism is in maintaining the freedom of the individual. Without an organized objective system of law an anarchic society might be at the mercy of the criminal and the powerful, with only personal and communal self defense to rely on. Many questions on anarchism are addressed by this
A term which has changed its meaning, in the nineteenth century in Europe, the great age of liberalism, the term stood for freedom from church and state authority and the reduction of the power of royalty and aristocracy, free enterprise economics, and the free development of the individual.
Liberalism advocated freedom of the press, religious
toleration, and self-determination for nations. It was liberalism that
established parliamentary democracy. The Founding Fathers of the USA might be
termed liberals
A philosophy of freedom, particularly from any unnecessary restraints imposed (or indeed any restraints) by governmental authority. It is central to America: liberty is one of the inalienable rights described in the constitution ("life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"), and it has always been what America sees itself as standing for, although it can be argued that America has become more of a typical European nation (economically and politically) and has greater freedom simply because it has yet to decline to European standards.
Similar in 'appearance' to libertarianism, objectivism is different because it is based upon a specific philosophy of reality as first detailed by Aristotle and further extrapolated in the mid to later part of the 20th century by philosopher Ayn Rand, well known for her best selling fiction novels which encompass her philosophy in dramatic form. Objectivism supports individualism with reference to the nature of reality and this differentiates it from being just another political opinion. It is not an easy philosophy to understand, or for many, to accept.
Contrary to popular belief capitalism is not a 'system' as such. It is the consequence of individual liberty and corresponding property rights (the right to own that which you create, or are born owning). Capitalism is readily blamed for various inequalities despite having never been practiced in fact, with the closest examples being 19th century USA and to a lesser extent 19th century Britain.
Many people appear to have a very different idea about what is meant by capitalism. It is not a system of force imposed by people. It is a lack of such a system. It is what happens when people are free from the force of other people. In order to have people 'free' of the force of natural conditions something must be done to make those conditions better for mankind. That is exactly what people have been doing with the invention of the wheel, of machines, the production of energy and everything that followed. All of this is the product of mans mind, without it mankind is returned unprotected to nature. Capitalism itself forces nothing.
Capitalism doesn't aim at equal ends because they do not occur where people are free to choose their own paths. Those better off do have more opportunities (not more freedom), but that in no way gives one person (or group) the right to rob them of these opportunities and give them to another. Life can be very hard for an impoverished man in a desert compared to a rich man in a European landowner’s family. That does not give anyone the right to rob the European and give to desert dweller.
A republic is a political system whereby political power is explicitly is granted with consent of the people and ruled according to law. The purpose of the government is to protect the rights of the people and in discharging that purpose it derives its just power from the consent of the people. Hence the words "we the people". It is not a democracy, nor is it populism or pluralism. Infact it is quite a strictly limited system where the people essentially delegate (note - delegate, not forfeit) the protection of their individual rights to a government of their choosing. The limitations would be made explicit in a constitution and an excellent example is the US constitution, which sadly is largely unknown by the American people and constantly undermined by their governments.
A philosophy of freedom, particularly from any unnecessary restraints imposed (or indeed any restraints) by governmental authority. It is central to America: liberty is one of the inalienable rights described in the constitution ("life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"), and it has always been what America sees itself as standing for, although it can be argued that America has become more of a typical European nation (economically and politically) and has greater freedom simply because it has yet to decline to European standards.
Similar in 'appearance' to libertarianism, objectivism is different because it is based upon a specific philosophy of reality as first detailed by Aristotle and further extrapolated in the mid to later part of the 20th century by philosopher Ayn Rand, well known for her best selling fiction novels which encompass her philosophy in dramatic form. Objectivism supports individualism with reference to the nature of reality and this differentiates it from being just another political opinion. It is not an easy philosophy to understand, or for many, to accept.
Contrary to popular belief capitalism is not a 'system' as such. It is the consequence of individual liberty and corresponding property rights (the right to own that which you create, or are born owning). Capitalism is readily blamed for various inequalities despite having never been practiced in fact, with the closest examples being 19th century USA and to a lesser extent 19th century Britain.
Many people appear to have a very different idea about what is meant by capitalism. It is not a system of force imposed by people. It is a lack of such a system. It is what happens when people are free from the force of other people. In order to have people 'free' of the force of natural conditions something must be done to make those conditions better for mankind. That is exactly what people have been doing with the invention of the wheel, of machines, the production of energy and everything that followed. All of this is the product of mans mind, without it mankind is returned unprotected to nature. Capitalism itself forces nothing.
Capitalism doesn't aim at equal ends because they do not occur where people are free to choose their own paths. Those better off do have more opportunities (not more freedom), but that in no way gives one person (or group) the right to rob them of these opportunities and give them to another. Life can be very hard for an impoverished man in a desert compared to a rich man in a European landowner’s family. That does not give anyone the right to rob the European and give to desert dweller.
A republic is a political system whereby political power is explicitly is granted with consent of the people and ruled according to law. The purpose of the government is to protect the rights of the people and in discharging that purpose it derives its just power from the consent of the people. Hence the words "we the people". It is not a democracy, nor is it populism or pluralism. Infact it is quite a strictly limited system where the people essentially delegate (note - delegate, not forfeit) the protection of their individual rights to a government of their choosing. The limitations would be made explicit in a constitution and an excellent example is the US constitution, which sadly is largely unknown by the American people and constantly undermined by their governments.
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